

The Spam Problem

Spammers often promote legitimate "anti-spam" sites like this one, in an attempt to receive affiliate or referral commissions for any sales that are generated. Unfortunately, all large websites on the Internet including,, etc. have to deal with this problem.

Our Affiliates and Partners

Here at SurveyCrazy we do not do any type of email advertising at all - the only emails we ever send are to our existing customers in response to their inquiries, etc. If you have received an unsolicited email promoting our site, chances are it was sent by an affiliate or partner.

Before promoting our website via email, all affiliates and partners are required to contact us and get approval. We make sure that they are only mailing to legitimate opt-in lists, and that their ads and mailings are fully compliant with the federal CanSpam Act of 2003.

Any affiliate that promotes our website via email without prior approval is instantly terminated.

Our Anti-Spam Policy

We do not allow spamming, period. And we will do everything in our power and take every legal action available to us, in an attempt to put an end to this website being promoted via Spam. Our other affiliates ClickBank and Paypal, also have very strict anti-spam policies.

All of our affiliates are well aware of the fact that we do not tolerate spamming, but every now and then a bad apple comes along and insists on promoting our website in this matter. The way we handle this is very simple - they are immediately terminated from our network.

Contact Us about Spam

If you have any information about this website being promoted via Spam, especially an email that you have received, please contact us right away so we can take care of it. You can use this handy
Contact Form or email us directly at

We will see to it that they stop, and that they do not profit from sending spam. Thanks!


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